Sunday 17 February 2013


This year I've heard a lot of talk about not giving something up for Lent but instead taking up something positive. I like this idea. I think a lot of people have got into it because they think giving something up is somehow trying to earn favour with God, but the reason I'm not so keen on giving something up is because I think it's (personally) often an excuse to try and do some self-improvement exercise that I've been wanting to do anyway, which then makes the whole process more about achievement than true sacrifice. As Sarah's recent diabetes diagnosis has drastically changed our eating/exercise habits anyway, we sat down on Ash Wednesday and made a list of things that we wanted to put into our lives to enrich them spiritually, physically and emotionally.

My top 7 are:

1. Keep a spiritual/prayer journal
2. Learn meditation and relaxation techniques
3. Blog regularly
4. Start a book of my dreams (as in, aspirations, not my surreal unconscious processes!)
5. Practice karate regularly
6. Go for a walk in a pretty place at least once a week
7. Incorporate some of my photographs (the ones I'm most pleased with) into my blog

Rachel Held Evans (I love her!) has recently written a post called 40 Ideas for Lent, about the Lenten disciplines suggested by some of her readers. My favourites are:

  • Last year I tried to give away 40 things I don't need for Lent. Each day I went through my closet, through my book & DVD collections etc and picked something I don't need and found someone to give it to. I found it meaningful.

  • I fasted from using my debit card last year. It allowed me to become painfully aware of how easily I swipe & waste; and, allowed me to meditate on & act with better stewardship.

Obviously, blogging from the first Sunday in Lent, it's early days, but I've written out my 7 'resolutions' and put them at the front of my diary, to remind me what it is that makes me feel exhilarated and closer to God.  We ticked point (6) this morning by going for a walk in Bradgate Park, and for the sake of ticking point (7) too, here's some photos! :-)

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