Tuesday 31 December 2013

On doing away with New Year's resolutions

It's that time of year again.  

The one where we promise ourselves that things are going to be different - that by the end of the following 365 days we'll be thinner, fitter, more resilient and more successful while simultaneously being a wonderful parent, partner, daughter and friend.

Has anybody else noticed that the more we want to change, the harsher we are to ourselves when we don't quite manage to achieve those goals - or is that just me?

Halfway through last year, I came across One Word 365.  The concept is simple - scrap the New Year's resolutions, the long list of goals and the almost inevitable self-recriminations.  

And just choose one word.

One word that sums up how you want to be, how you want to live, where you believe your God is leading you this year.  It won't be easy, but it will be simple.  It's about intentionality - living with your chosen word minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.  

And for me, the beauty of it all is that it's not a goal.  You don't have to measure whether you've achieved it, or by how much - you just have to keep choosing to live your word.

So I'm going for it this year.  

And my word is nourishment.

Image by Ellen Leon at www.thesingingtree.com

Nourishment is something that I feel God has been leading me towards for a while. Not just of the body, but of the mind and of the soul.  And that's so much better than diets, or New Year's resolutions, because it's about making choices because they feed you, as a person.

Life isn't about restrictions.  It's about living.

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